
In conversations around a table, on the front porch, and at the end of the driveway, a small group of people (ideally four – seven) come together to get to know one another in a more meaningful way. Guided by a simple format, participants practice being open and curious about all perspectives, with a focus on learning from one another, rather than trying to debate the topic at hand.

Library Materials for Adults, Teens and Youth. Start a book club or read one of the books with your family or colleagues.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Allyship.

The National Museum of African American History & Culture is dedicated to helping people understand and talk about race and racism in America. “Race – and racism – has grown adept at shapeshifting to maintain power and privilege for some and suffering and oppression for others. To begin to dismantle racism and inequity, many things must happen simultaneously: historical understanding, community building, personal reflection, and committed anti-racist practice.” The website includes resources for educators, parents & caregivers and people committed to equity and is also broken down into topics including: being anti-racist, community building, social identies, and systems of oppression.  
Check out these videos from Race Forward to learn more about Systemic Racism and see how racism shows up in our lives across institutions and society: Wealth Gap, Employment, Housing Discrimination, Government Surveillance, Incarceration, Drug Arrests, Immigration Arrests, Infant Mortality… yes, systemic racism is really a thing. 
Define American has developed a guide to help initiate intentional and meaningful conversations as a first step in addressing anti-Blackness in immigrant communities.“Real change begins with us. It requires us to first confront the ways that we ourselves have been complicit in anti-Blackness, and also have difficult conversations with our immigrant families about ways that it is pervasive in our own cultures and homes.”  The guide contains educational resources, questions to consider, and action steps to take.

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